"Mistakes are the portals of discovery" is a quote by James Joyce. I utilized it with a change-up for this blog post. Picture above taken near Ocean Shores in Washington state with a Canon PowerShot.
It is no secret to those who know me well that my life has not always, nor is, a walk in the park. For the most part, my journey has been very dark with challenges many others do not return from in one piece. I have spoken about my journey in previous pages. Please read "Persist, Together" for more detail.
Not to say all I have had is darkness. On the contrary, I have perceived and experienced more light than I can even describe with words. God is strong in my life and in Him I trust.
I have said before that you cannot have darkness without light, nor light without the dark. Even God knew this when he created the world. That's why in the first pages of Genesis God sees that there is darkness and he sets it aside while he concentrates on building his new world.
BUT, we cannot simply set the darkness aside. One has to walk through it, shining light on all that is dark and hidden. Only then can we move fully into the light.
God was able to set it aside and focus on the light, something we all must do, but by setting it aside God did not ignore the darkness. He simply chose to focus and feed the light, thereby rendering the dark less powerful.
We humans are not God, though, and to set aside our darkness we must properly face it too.
With this in mind, I have a new poem.
Wasted Life,
Doesn't matter how hard I try.
Stuck in this abyss,
Feeling the caress,
of death
that never comes.
Beautifully broken,
Like a Phoenix from the ashes.
Feeling positively feudal,
Overlords of pain,
Humanity's disdain
for something prettier, holier than they.
It's honestly futile, trying to fight.
No spite, great woman might.
Life is akin to walking a mystical labyrinth,
Like sipping Absinthe--
Wormwood dreams and nightmare screams,
make way to the heretical streams
of life where one clings to the tattered semblance of
All of us have our different perspectives,
Making relations often a perplexing prospective.
Not everyone will agree with our Story,
But it isn't from outside we receive our glory.
Be true to you, letting kindness shine through.
In the final hour, when our hearts are weighed against a feather--
Only God must agree.