I met a man a few years ago that he participates in what is called “Consent Culture” and participates in a group of people that teach how to cuddle without sex getting involved. This same man introduced me to a local dance group run by a local self-imposed spiritual guru. There, I ran into spiritual awareness I’d never had before. Spiritual awareness that not everyone is good and can be counted on to have your best interests at heart.
Consent Culture is an interesting notion, isn’t it? It suggests there’s a different kind of culture we’re trying to change, and that culture is all about RAPE.
America does not appreciate, respect, or take care of its women. We live in a Rape Culture, not a Consent Culture.
We live in a culture where a woman says no to a straight white male, that woman gets raped or shot in the streets for saying no.
I’ve introduced almost all of the poetry I’ve written since January 2020, a time in my life of great darkness and deep despair.
To avoid sounding crazy to the broad majority of the world, I am simply not willing to share what I’ve been through. Yet. However, I will share that the major theme of the Dark Night of My Soul comes from being raped and abused long before I was even legally able to drive.
Women and girls are not safe in America, and it’s high time we all looked at it in a straightforward manner.
I cut my hair so it couldn’t be used to hold me down anymore.
I stopped wearing dangling earrings so they couldn’t be ripped out of my earlobes anymore.
I started recognizing that we live in a country that excuses and even glorifies abuse of women. From SVU on TV to Criminal Minds—the theme is always the same. Women get raped and brutalized for the entertainment of American society.
Unlike SVU, however, I have found there is no Olivia. Only women against women in a culture defined by cultural abuse of women.
I invite you all to my Poetic Justice page, found on the menu to the top right of my webpage. This poetry can be dark, angry, and profane.
So is our country!
Don’t like curse words? I’m victoriously changing your rules.